EKOLET - THE COMPOSTING TOILET AND SHRUB PURIFICATION PLANT Ekolet is a composting toilet for holiday homes and can be used either indoors or outside all year round. It requires no chemicals or additives, is odourless, and does not need sewarage; the outside model needs no electricity. The Ekolet composting toilet makes efficient use of nature's own methods to compost toilet and kitchen waste (including paper) into odourless fertilizer that is then emptied - see test results Ekolet utilizes the waste water of holiday homes by cleaning it in a shrub purification plant by using it for automatic watering and fertilization of decorative shrubs. The cleaning process is completely natural and thus does not require continuous maintenance as other treatment plants. In a holiday home equipped with an Ekolet composting toilet and Ekolet shrub purification plant, all the biological waste is put into use according to the terms of nature and law. Ekolet-products have been for sale since 1991 and they have contented users in numerous countries. A well-known international rating agency has given Ekolet Ltd. the highest possible creditworthiness category- AAA - which is reached only by a fer percent of all companies.
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